Thursday, July 26, 2018

Succulent Pots

We have worked on growing a few succulents this spring. They are in small post, perfect for sitting indoors in a sunny window. Succulents are nice and green, while requiring little maintenance. They don't need much water and can survive some harsh conditions making them perfect for the person who occasionally forgets about their plants!

Our smaller succulent pot looks like a small coffee or tea mug and sells for $3.

The larger one is a black pot for $5.

The post are available for purchase by contacting us through this page, or by coming by our Roadside Stand or Veggie Sale.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Veggie Sale & Opening of the Roadside Stand

This past weekend's Veggie Sale was a success! We had many visitors. Friday was the single biggest day of sales we have had when not combined with another event such as a yard sale. We are so grateful to everyone that stopped by and purchased something. You all are helping support our little farm! Look for Veggie Sales about once per month the rest of the summer. Watch our Facebook page for dates and times. More info about the Veggie Sale is on the Roadside Stand page.

The Roadside Stand also opened for the first time on Friday afternoon. Traffic was a bit slow, but we did make a few sales. We plan to open it Friday afternoon this summer, and maybe a few other weekday afternoon as well. Watch Facebook for updates on dates and times.

We also handed out our first CSA orders. All July allotments have been distributed. They contained various mixes of tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, squash, onions, bell peppers, biscayne peppers, jalapeno peppers, green and yellow beans, cucumbers and more! Look for your next batch in the middle of August! We might even throw in some jam next month!

Monday, July 23, 2018

Soldier Worms Are Back!

We have sufficiently increased the numbers of our Soldier Fly Grubs to be able to offer them for sale again. They are currently eating our veggie waste and turning it into compost. We are only selling smaller quantities at this time. You can get 50 grubs for $3 or 100 for $5. These quantities are not sufficient for jump-starting your compost, but work great for fishing bait or feeder worms for your pets. Check out the Soldier Grubs page for more info.

200 Sweetwater Farms Soldier Fly Grubs

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Sunflower Bouquets

We will occasionally have sunflower bouquets for purchase. We sold out of our first round very quickly, but will have more as our flowers reproduce and continue to grow this summer. We hope to have more flowers for variety in the future as we are currently building up our stock around the farm. Price will be dependent on size. Check the Currently Available post to see when the bouquets are available.