Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Uncle Paul's Pepper Powder

Here is an example of where some of our peppers end up.

Uncle Paul's Pepper Powder is an organic blend of hot peppers which come from right here on our farm. They are a part of our Growing Services program and request us to grow exactly what they need for the chipotle blend. If you make your own seasoning, sauce or rub, we can help you too. Our Growing Services program is now open for the Spring/Summer 2018 growing season. Contact us with your specific needs and we can discuss handling the growing part for you next year. You can provide the seeds/plants to us, or we can get them for you.

We do not sell Uncle Paul's Pepper Powder here, but if you are interested in obtaining some we would be glad to point you in the right direction. It is some tasty stuff! It typically sells for around $8 a bottle and comes straight from the local producer.

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