Monday, March 6, 2017

Terracycle Recycling Programs

     Sweetwater Farms is now a drop-off location for two Terracycle recycling programs. We are part of the Energy Bar Wrapper Recycling Program powered by Clif Bar, as well as the GoGo SqueeZ Recycling Program that collects squeezable snack pouches and caps. You can drop off foil-lined energy bar wrappers of any brand, any Clif Bar product packaging (Shot Bloks, Shot gels, clear plastic Mojo bar wrapper, etc.), and snack food pouches and caps by any brand. The items are then mailed to Terracycle where they are recycled into other goods. We ask that you completely empty all wrappers and pouches of their contents before bringing them to us. If you wash them, please let them dry fully before bringing them to us as we cannot ship dripping boxes.

Read more about what's accepted in the Energy Bar Wrapper Recycling Program here.
Read more about what's accepted in the GoGo Squeeze Recycling Program here.

     There are other recycling programs available through Terracycle that you can join yourself. Shipping to Terracycle is free thanks to a partnership with UPS. Programs include recycling everything from school and office supplies to water filters and toothbrushes. Find out more at

     Find out more about our partners by visiting the Sweet Partners tab at the top of the page.

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