Friday, December 2, 2016

Mustard Greens

Winter is now here. We are officially out of all summer produce and herbs for the season. Mustard greens are available at this time. We will also have collard greens, spinach, kale and Swiss chard available soon. Look for carrots, cabbage and Brussels sprouts in the latter half of Winter.

Black Soldier Fly grubs are now dormant for the winter. They will be available again in April.

Landscaping services continue to be available. We can help with yard clean-up to get your property looking good for Spring.

Thanks to all who helped us make our first season great! We sold more than expected and are expanding for next year. If you want to be part of our Growing Services program, be sure to get with us soon so we can acquire the seeds needed for Spring planting. We will grow any vegetable that will survive in our climate zone, anything you need for your special recipe at home. We already have requests for peppers and cucumbers, add your favorite to the list!