Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Farm Update 7-8-20

     It's been a while since our last farm update. Things are going great thanks to all of you! We cannot believe the amount of growth we have seen in sales and interest in our farm since we opened in 2016. We were afraid COVID-19 would hault our spring sales, but we saw much growth as compared to last year. We literally couldn't make Violet Jelly and Dandelion Jelly fast enough! Thank you to all who purchased from us from March through now. Our farm family experienced major reductions in our hours and pay with our "normal" jobs so the farm income actually helped us to pay the bills. We cannot state how grateful we are for this help during the time when our family needed it the most.

     Pepper harvest in 2019 was massive! We no longer measure by counting the peppers. We measured in buckets picked. It was tough to keep up with in the fall, but we managed and have some ideas on how to make things a little easier on us this year. We have again expanded as the demand for our peppers continues to increase, especially for Habaneros, Ghost, Scorpion and Carolina Reaper Peppers. The majority of our peppers continue to supply Uncle Paul's Pepper Powder. Uncle Paul sold bottles of his delicious rub all over the country and even beyond our borders to Canada and the UK! We can't believe some of our peppers end up across the pond in the UK! Give his powder a try if you haven't already. He has several different flavors. When you buy from him, you are supporting us. We can get you in touch with him if you are interested in getting some pepper powder to try.

Devil's Tongue Peppers

     All of your pepper favorites will be back in 2020, inclduing Cayenne, Jalapeno, Anaheim Chili, Thai, several Habanero varieties, Ghost, Peach Ghost, Trinidad Scorpion and Carolina Reaper. We will also be adding the Datil pepper, a tasty pepper from Florida that is highly sought after by those that know how it tastes. We will offer our peppers fresh and dried again this year, with options to become available this summer for shipping the fresh peppers. It's something we have been working on for some time now and are determined to make it happen in 2020. 

     As stated above, our spring jams and jellies have been a hit. We will bring back some favorites later this summer like Peach, Peach-Jalapeno, Ghost Pepper, Mint and Pineapple-Mango Habanero. We also plan to offer a Carolina Reaper Pepper option, along with some Raspberry variations as we finally grew our raspberry patch big enough to be able to use them. We are open to ideas for new options so send us any you might have!

     We added Seeds to our offerings this spring and it was HUGE success. We have been moving more toward harvesting and planting our own seeds for two reasons. One is that it is more cost-efficient. Two is that we have had more success germinating our own seeds than those we have bought from vendors. We decided to offer up some of our extras after our first round of planting and the response was overwhelming. We sold everything we had available, literally hundreds of seed packets. Every single packet sold. Our customers had great success with germinating the seeds so we plan to continue offering seeds in the future.


     Pickles and Garlic will also remain part of our offerings in 2020. You can start pre-ordering pickles in the next few weeks. Our Garlic is starting to become available. It's all been harvested and is hanging to dry. We will post additional varieties as they become ready. We also plan to offer Luffa Gourds in the late fall. We have grown luffas the past two years. They are great in the garden, attracting many bees. The gourds can be peeled to reveal a luffa sponge inside. We have used the sponges from the first two years around the farm and feel like now we are ready to share with everyone else. The sponges work great for washing things. We use them to scrub vegetables after picking, to wash dishes, clean buckets and tools, and even in the shower! They get softer them more you use them. It's hard to beat a natural sponge that comes straight from the garden. We hope you will give them a try when they become available.

Elephant garlic flower

     We are also contiuing to build up our apple trees, blueberry bushes and flowers. We hope to be able to use the apples and blueberries in future products. The flowers are mainly to attract pollinators, which has worked really well thus far. We have many more bees around the farm now than when we first moved here.

Beautiful lilly that bloomed for the first time this year.



Blueberries starting to ripen


Pollinator cam in one of our wildflower beds

     So everything is in the ground and growing strong! Now comes the hardest part... the waiting! We will provide more updates this summer and fall as things become available. Again, we are very thankful to all of you who visit our page and try our items. You have not only supported the farm, but also our family during these past few months. Thank you!

Part of our veggie plots back in early June

Zucchini forming