Friday, May 24, 2019

Honeysuckle Jelly

     We have one more new jelly to end the Spring season. It's by far the sweetest tasting jelly we have ever made. Introducing Honeysuckle Jelly!

     We use the freshest white blossoms from the vine as they are much sweeter than more aged yellow blossom. The finished product tastes very similar to honey! This plant was definitely named correctly!

     The jelly is available in 4 ounce jars. Visit our Shop page to purchase it. You can buy through eBay or Etsy. Shipping is available to anywhere in the U.S. Visit our Jams/Jellies page for more info on any of our canned products.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Strawberry Jam

     One of our most popular jams is back! Fresh strawberries from Slate farms were again used in our classic Strawberry Jam. Made with simple, clean ingredients, you can count on that strawberry taste you love and not worry about what's in it. The strawberries from Slate were the biggest and sweetest we have ever picked!

     Available in 4 ounce and 8 ounce sizes. Find out more at our Jams/Jellies page. You can purchase the jam through our Shop page, where we sell through both eBay and Etsy. Shipping available! If you live local, contact us for a discounted rate with shipping costs removed. You can pick up a jar today and be eating it this afternoon!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Pepper Additions for 2019

     Most of our planting is complete! We focused more on peppers this year than ever before as our hot peppers continue to be our most popular items. We have added some new hotties this year. A description is below for each of our new varieties. We will still have all of our usuals that you have grown to love like Jalapenos, Cayennes, Habaneros, Ghost, Trinidad Scorpion and Carolina Reaper to name a few. We were able to grow about 20% of our nearly 700 sweet and hot pepper plants this year from our own seeds harvested near the end of the last season. We hope to increase that percentage in the future and be able to offer some of our seeds for purchase one day as well. So far, our seeds have sprouted better than seeds we ordered from seed retailers. Some of our varieties exceeded 90% germination rate!

     Our first new variety for the year is the addition of the Moruga strain of Trinidad Scorpion. We have grown mostly the Butch-T variety and some mix strains. We are excited to be branching out to pure Morugas, which pack much more heat than Butch-T at 2 million Scoville units.

Moruga Scorpion

      We will also add two brand new super hot varieties in 7 Pot Douglah and Naga Viper. The 7 Pot Douglah is ranked hotter than a Ghost and tips the Scoville scale at 1.85 million units, ranking it third in the world behind Carolina Reaper and Trinidad Moruga Scorpion. The name tells you all you need to know: one pepper is enough to spice up seven pots of chili! Naga Viper also ranks above a Ghost at around 1.3 million Scoville units.

7 Pot Douglah

Naga Viper

     We are attempting some Ghost varieties again this year after losing our entire crop of the variations last year after a flood. We hope to have White Ghost and Peach Ghost plants produce for us this year.

White Ghost

Peach Ghost

     Our Habanero selection will be expanding a bit with a new Caribbean Red variety added to our staples of Hot Paper Lantern and Helios. Numex Suave Orange have also been returned to our fields this year after a year off. Caribbean Red is on the hotter end of the Habanero heat scale, being hotter than our other three varieties.

Caribbean Red Habanero

     Devil's Tongue peppers are in the Habanero family. They are on the lower end of the heat spectrum for Habaneros, but pack a stronger, sweeter citrus taste. Last year we tried both yellow and red varieties with only one single yellow plant surviving the June flooding. Yellow is back for this year and we also have Red Devil's Tongue in the ground and doing well!

Red Devil's Tongue

     Another pepper on a second attempt is Scotch Bonnet. Another pepper in the Habanero family, we had a lot of difficulty germinating these last year and ended up not getting a single plant into the ground. This year we had plenty of sprouts and they are slowly growing into strong plants. They will be in the ground soon!

Scotch Bonnet

     We enjoy stir-fry and grilling around here, so it was a no-brainer to add a fairly new variety to the U.S. that is a thick fryer pepper with mild heat. Dragon's Toe comes over from Asia and will go great in a pan of veggies. We are pumped to try this one! Word in the pepper community is that it makes a great jam...

Dragon's Toe pepper

     Last, but not least, we were given some seeds to trial out. The Aji Crystal pepper from Chile is becoming more popular in the culinary world thanks to its strong smoky-citrus flavor and moderate heat that ranks a little below a Cayenne. It is unique in that it is one of very few peppers that are actually sweeter before they ripen. We will only have a few plants this year as we test them out, similar to what we did with the Thairano hybrid last year.

Aji Crystal peppers

     These peppers will be here before you know it! Check back here for updates as they grow. Thank you all who support us in our pepper endeavors. We will let you know when they are ready for purchase, fresh and dried, later this summer!

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Dandelion Festival

     We are excited to announce our jellies will be featured at the Dandelion Festival at Remick Country Doctor Museum & Farm in Tamworth, NH next Saturday, May 18. The festival will highlight uses for dandelions and other plants considered to be "weeds" that have many uses. Our Dandelion Jelly, Forysthia-Dandelion Jelly with Honey, Violet Jelly and White Violet Jelly will be on display at the festival. If you are in the northeast next week, stop by the museum from 11:00am-3:00pm for a taste and learn how to put your weeds to use!

    Check Remick out on Facebook here:

Monday, May 6, 2019

Jelly Time!

     New jellies have arrived! And we have new labels for our jar lids in 2019!

     New for this year we have added a Forsythia-Dandelion Jelly to go with traditional Dandelion. The Forsythia-Dandelion comes in two varieties: Regular, which is made like most of our other jellies using traditional table sugar, and Honey, sweetened naturally using local honey form right here in middle Tennessee! All three Dandelion varieties come in 4 ounce jars and feature all the health benefits that come inside fluffy dandelion flowers. The Forsythia-Dandelion includes forsythia blossom-infused water as well.

Forsythia-Dandelion Jelly and Forsythia-Dandelion Jelly with Honey

Dandelion Jelly is back in stock.

Dandelion Jelly

     White Violet Jelly is also back in stock to go with our popular purple Violet Jelly. The white violets pack many nutritional benefits just like the purple violets, while bringing in a unique pink color.

White violets after picking during our jelly prep.

White Violet Jelly

     Read more about all of our jelly varieties on the Jams/Jellies page. Visit the Shop page to purchase any of these tasty jellies! Jams will begin to become available soon as our ingredients begin to ripen. Strawberries will be coming in soon!