Thursday, February 8, 2018

Now Accepting Payments with Zelle

     For 2018, we will be accepting online payments for our products through both PayPal and Zelle. Cash is still the preferred payment method and the only method of payment accepted at our Roadside Stand, but the option and convenience of online payment is now there for all of our customers. This should make it easier for our out-of-town customers to order from us now that we are able to ship to anywhere in the continental U.S. for some of our products. PayPal has been available as an option since we opened our eBay store in December. It is a payment option for all orders, not just those made on eBay.

     To use PayPal, you will need to set up an account through PayPal and can then transfer money to our PayPal account after your order is confirmed.  PayPal is free to use.

     Zelle is also free. You only need a U.S.-based bank account connected to Zelle and you can send money to any Zelle-connected bank account without fees. You bank likely offers these services and it is very easy to link up your account to Zelle. Once your order through our farm is confirmed, you can easily transfer money to us for payment.

     We hope to be able to set up an online store where you can buy and pay directly through our website, but that is still some time off in the future once we grow a bit more. Until then, we are trying to make payment as easy as we can by offering multiple options that can fit all of our customers needs.

    Contact us with any questions or to place an order from the farm. We will confirm your order and direct you through the payment process in which you prefer.