Monday, October 12, 2020

Fresh Thai Peppers Delivered

      We are now shipping fresh Thai peppers! These little peppers pack in the flavor with a moderate amount of heat. They rank just above a Cayenne on the heat scale, but offer more flavor in a tiny package. We have offered them dried for several years now, but they store so well and have become so popular that we have decided to start shipping them fresh as well. Get a 4 ounce box shipped to your door with USPS Priority Mail for just $14. That's about 60 peppers. They'll be gone soon so don't wait!

Fresh Thai Pepper Box

      As with everything we grow here on the farm, the Thai peppers are available for pick-up directly from the farm for $0.50/dozen or $10/lb. Contact us to order and arrange a time for a quick and easy curbside pick-up!

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